M&A Express:
Time Traveller – Decades

This decade has seen more dynamic change than any in history! We've seen challenges and progress. Comparing the last 8 decades gives us clearer perspective and vision for the future. The global [...]

M&A Express:
Business Valuations

Discover your true business value and what a current real-market professional Business Valuation is. Learn about the different methods for a Business Valuation. Each Valuation is based on a [...]

M&A Express:
Working Capital

Working capital is a common measure of a company’s liquidity, efficiency and overall health. It represents a company's ability to pay its current liabilities with its current assets. Learn about [...]

M&A Express:
Due Diligence

Are you Ready for Buyer Scrutiny? Due diligence is a key aspect to satisfy the buyers requirement for information relating to all aspects of the business being acquired. Since 47% of deals...

M&A Express:

Success in business is like an iceberg. The top 10% that protrudes out of the water is often the only part observed and miscalculated by the inexperienced. Most of the value is hidden below the [...]

M&A Express:
Exit This Way

Opportunity knocks. Doors open for those with open minds. Discover new possibilities for your business through doorways of hope. Planning ahead for a successful exit takes careful consideration [...]

M&A Express:
Dream Again!

Create a vision for the life you want. Getting caught up in delays, distractions, discouragement and the activity trap can suffocate your vision, goals and dreams. “When you visualize something [...]